Be Bold
I am extremely excited to share my new book, Be Bold: How to Prepare Your Heart & Mind for Racial Reconciliation!
I was inspired to write this book after the tragic death of George Floyd. Sure this wasn’t the first racial injustice that I have witnessed, but something felt different this time. I knew I had to do something. With a heart after Christ and ultimate goal of racial harmony, I believe that racial reconciliation will take place when we humble ourselves and are open to have courageous conversations. When we are willing to humbly step into a place of openness and listen and learn, true exploration of self and healing can begin and we can all boldly walk into our purposes.
Here is a summary of my book:
What can I do? This question is often asked in response to tough discussions or events relating to race, racism, racial injustice, or systemic racism, both historically and as current events. How can I work towards a solution? How can I be a change agent? How can I be an ally? How can I effectively change my mindset to get to a place of total healing and racial reconciliation?
This book is an answer to the “What can I do” question. This book provides practical advice on how to talk about race and boldly move towards being the change that you want to see. This journey begins with an examination of your heart, mind, and self, holistically, to ensure that you are prepared for growth. This book also serves as a tour guide for listening and learning about how racism impacts our daily lives. With specific pointers on what you can do, this book explores tools to equip you for becoming bolder in your daily interactions, discussions, and actions!
Grab some coffee, assemble a Growth Group to take this journey with you, and prepare your heart and mind for this transformational and life changing process, as you work towards racial reconciliation and harmony.
Media Coverage:
1. KTAL: https://bit.ly/3nNPoEB
2. WCCO: Book Preview: ‘Be Bold: How To Prepare Your Heart And Mind For Racial Reconciliation’ - YouTube